Tuesday, January 19, 2010

WOW. It's been a while...

So... it's been on my "to do" list to catch up on my blog EVERY week since my last post. And guess what. Somehow between shooting weddings and family portraits, working part time photographing newborns at the hospital, spending time with my fam, AND the holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries that we have in nov/dec, it has been neglected. Until now. Initiating project catch-up! I'll start by posting a cute photo of my new dog, Frankie (a.k.a Dirty Frank, Frankfurter, Frankie Frankster, Frankie the Pig) that we adopted from the Humane Society yesterday. I feel like he's my new baby. I didn't believe I could feel this way about a dog until now. But seriously, look at him... cutest dog ever, eh?


Ali said...

I love him.

Alyssa said...

I have a crush on Frank - he looks like the sweetest dog!