Monday, January 5, 2009

Woohoo! Sledding!

So, as usual, it's the end of the holiday season and I'm WAY behind on my blog posts. We have been extremely busy and I am finally feeling like I have a little bit of time to catch up. So here we go. On December 13th we took the boys sledding at Big Cottonwood Park. It was pretty late in the afternoon (possibly because I spent all morning making chocolates at my sister-in-laws) and getting cold and dark, but the boys still had a blast. Sometimes it was hard to decipher if it was joy or fear on Raleigh's little face. I believe this is the first year that both of the boys were able to walk back up the hill after sledding down it, which made the sledding experience all that more enjoyable for me... not having to carry their little butts back up the hill. Here are some favorite images. Enjoy!